A new Project

I’m thinking of starting a new project.
I want to build an interpreter for a language that I’m going to design.
The inspiration for this project is a friend of mine who finally published his book on osdev.
Let’s see how it goes!

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I now have moved my little personal website to Linode using their most basic shared cpu vps (1core,1gb of ram, 25gb of ssd)
and moved to a 5$/month plan. Compared to DO the Linode expeience is a lot easier and the UX makes more sense.
Let’s see if the performances are ok.

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Finding hosting for a website

As of now, for my little personal website I’m using an digitalocean droplet with the bare minimum in the resource specs ad it’s costing me round 20 EUR/month.
I was looking around to find a simple vps service for my lil page and I found that prices for simple tasks such as mine are kinda high.
How can someone in 2022 pay the right amount of money for a simple vps?

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